Is texting and driving a car sinful? I am certainly guilty of it. In fact, I did...
I am trying to make this site more easy friendly for one purpose. I hope to see...
We walked into our run down room at Motel 6. The carpet was still wet from being...
Dear friends, readers, and subscribers, I’m getting tons of daily feedback via comments, email, Twitter, and Facebook....
I’m pretty pumped about the new Logos software for Mac. I have their “Catholic package” and love...
I’m pretty pumped about the new Logos software for Mac. I have their “Catholic package” and love...
This is going to be great! The BIBLindex is attempting to index 400,000 biblical quotations and references...
You may remember Cale Clarke from the very charitable interview that he did for my book The...
10. Catholic Quote of the Day ($1.99)This simple daily app program will provide you with over three...
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