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My New Book Will Be Out Soon!
The new book The Catholic Perspective on Paul will be out pretty soon. We’re excited. I really like the cover designed by Steven M. Nelson…simple and clean:
If you’re going to purchase the previous book The Crucified Rabbi, please hold off for two weeks. It’s being reprinted with a new book cover that matches the style of the The Catholic Perspective on Paul (pictured above). So if you want to get the new cover, wait about two weeks. The new version of The Crucified Rabbi is exactly the same as the original book, just a different cover. So it doesn’t matter which cover you have – it’s the same text.
The book trailer for The Catholic Perspective on Paul is also up on Youtube. Please take a look at it and tell us what you think:
Please share the video with others via Facebook or email with the buttons below to help get the word out. Thank you!
I’ll put up a free chapter download from the new book on Paul for “Canterbury Tales subscribers” in the next week so you can get a preview of the book.
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