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Patron Saint of Computer Crashes (John Duns Scotus)
Today is the memorial of Blessed John Duns Scotus.
This past summer I was hanging out with some Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in Steubenville, Ohio. We were discussing that stalwart defender of the Immaculate Conception of Mary – Blessed John Duns Scotus.
“How can we get poor Scotus canonized?” That was the question. I noted that those saints with useful intercessory skills, are the most popular saints among the laity. For example, Saint Anthony is one of the most popular saints because he is associated with “lost things.” Shoot, even Protestants pray to Saint Anthony when they lose their car keys, right? Likewise, Saint Jude (one of the most obscure Apostles) is well-known since he’s the patron of desperate cases.
So the key to popularizing Scotus would be to promote him with a popular cause. But what cause fits Scotus?
So I suggested “dry cleaning” since he defended that Mary was “without stain of sin.” Patronus Macularum. You get a stain on shirt and you pray to the patron against stains…the Friars of the Renewal shot this down as too lame.
Then Friar Pius says, “No, it has to be something that people really need. Something desperate. How about Patron Saint of Computer Crashes. There’s nothing more stressful than computer crashes.”
All the friars liked that suggestion. And so we decided to promote it: “John Duns Scotus, Patron of Computer Crashes.”
Well, a few weeks after that, my Macbook laptop crashed. I was very stressed because it had the latest version of my new book The Catholic Perspective on Paul and I hadn’t had a chance to back up the file. I was sweating bullets. So I began to ask Blessed John Duns Scotus for his prayers concerning my computer crash. My wife also started asking for Scotus’ prayers.
The hard drive crashed, but the Mac genius was able to get everything off the computer. They replaced the hard drive and my computer was great. No lost documents. I didn’t even have to buy a new computer.
So there it is folks. If your computer crashes, ask Blessed John Duns Scotus for his prayers!
Have a blessed Blessed John Duns Scotus day.
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