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Apostle to Prostitutes: Today’s Saint John Eudes
Today’s saint, St John Eudes, is an excellent example of how true doctrine and devotion leads to charitable work. In 1641, Saint John Eudes founded the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Refuge as an order for prostitutes who wished to do penance and consecrate their lives to Mary.
Saint John Eudes is known primarily for his devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Due to his influence, the feast of the Holy Heart of Mary was celebrated for the first time in 1648, and that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1672. In fact, Saint John Eudes composed the Mass and Office proper to these feast days.
When we think of devotion to the Sacred Heart, we often think of St Margaret Mary Alocoque, but it was truly Father John Eudes that tilled the soil and planted the seeds for “cordial devotion” to Jesus and Mary.
In 1903 Pope Leo XIII (who had a great devotion to the Sacred Heart) gave John Eudes the title of “Author of the Liturgical Worship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Holy Heart of Mary”.
Again, this saint’s love for the merciful Hearts of Jesus and Mary spilled over in mercy toward prostitutes. It’s almost as if Saint John Eudes’ love for Mary at the Cross of Christ revealed to him the mystical presence of Mary Magdalene. Love for Jesus and Mary always leads to love for sinners and their salvation.
Saint John Eudes, pray for us sinners.
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