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Chanting Evensong, Once Again
I had the great honor of chanting Evensong this evening in the gorgeous chapel at the Dominican House of Studies in Washtington, D.C. (pictured above). Father Eric Bergman (the most recent Pastoral Provision priest) asked me if I would be willing to chant and officiate Evensong at the Anglican Use conference according to the Book of Divine Worship.
I haven’t officiated at a service since I left the Episcopal priesthood. It was a glorious experience. The chapel reminded me of Nashotah House. Great rood screen. Old. Wood ceiling, so somewhat dead acoustics. Antiphonal choir stalls. And no air conditioning, so it was hot. I hope Fr. Bergman didn’t mind, but I must have sweat through his cassock and maybe even the surplice. It was sweaty – but for some reason that just made it better. A reasonable sacrifice.
Anyway, the Anglican Use Conference is getting along well. I look forward to tomorrow’s lecture by Msgr. Bruce Harbert of ICEL on the history of the liturgy in English.
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