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What makes Catholics different? Mary and the Eucharist
My wife recently asked our children: “What makes Catholics different from your Evangelical and Protestant friends?” There are hundreds of distinctions but the most obvious difference is our Catholic devotions and doctrines regarding the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Eucharist:
- Why is this and how do we as Catholics understand the Blessed Mother and the Eucharist together and also how do we confidently share it with non-Catholics?
I’m hosting a FREE and LIVE Catholic Webinar on “Mary and the Eucharist” in order to equip you with a clear and easy way to answer this question:
- I’ll give you a free Cheat Sheet on “Mary and the Eucharist.”
- I’ll give a presentation and then I will stick around live to do Q&A on this topic or any other theological topics.
- And together we will excavate three topics:
- How devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament relates to our love for the Blessed Mother.
- How our love for the Blessed Mother relates to our faith in the Blessed Sacrament.
- MOST IMPORTANT: I will show you the easiest and most persuasive explanation for non-Catholics that makes sense of why Catholics love Mary and the Eucharist. This will tool will make you into an Apostle for the Holy Eucharist.
As in previous Catholic Webinars, we will restrict it to the first 1,000 people who register. It’s free and we will be giving away more resources throughout the Catholic Webinar. You must reserve your spot to take part next Wednesday. As before, registration will be first come, first serve. I’ll see 1,000 of you live on next Wednesday evening. Click here to register and reserve your spot.
to Jesus through Mary with Peter,
Dr Taylor Marshall
Dive Deeper

Explore the fascinating world of Catholic teachings with Dr. Marshall. Together you’ll unpack the brilliant answers the Church gives to tough questions about the Faith. The best part: you go at your own pace. Start this exciting journey today.