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What Should I Name This Thing?
Online collegiate courses are coming to!
In the recent profile updates for the subscribers (there are now 9,000 daily email subscribers here), over 1,700 subscribers noted that they “would like online courses.” I assumed more people would rather have books or podcasts. Not so. Most people want video courses…
So I’m working on producing some online courses.
I’ll be offering a new online course every single month (12 courses per year).
Here is what you can expect:
- HD video courses in which I take complex Catholic college course subjects and make them fun and easy (Thomas Aquinas one month, Augustine the next month, Marian topics the next month, Plato and Aristotle another month, how to answer Atheists the next month, etc.)
- Interviews with top intellectuals on these topics
- All courses available in HD video and mp3 (so you can listen in car or on the treadmill). You study at your own pace. If it takes you three months, not one month to complete a course, no worries.
- Printable notes and outlines for your use (so that you can preapre your own Bible studies or classes)
- Recommended book lists and notes for each topic
- Personal and private interaction with me within the new member site
- Live Q&A webinars with me to discuss theological and philosophical topics
- Personal videos on how to live a profound Christian life with joy and meaning
- Access to my upcoming books before they are published and reach the public
Who qualifies?
All of you qualify, but I’ll have to limit the spots.
- First, I’ll open enrollment to the subscribers who requested the online video courses. (Subscribers, you can update here and designate you want online courses (it’s the last option in the checklist.)
- Next, I’ll open enrollment to this blog’s email subscribers. (You can become a subscriber here.)
- Then, I’ll offer enrollment to the general public if we still have spaces available.
I hope that sounds fair and reasonable.
By introducing online courses, my blog and podcasts and other freebies will continue to be available. Nothing is changing at all. I feel this is an apostolate and I’ll always keep it up. I’ll still blog Monday through Friday as I always do.
However, I will be adding this new way to go deeper and have a closer mentor relationship. The online courses will serve this new function.
Help Me Name This Thing!
So this new entity for online courses still needs a name. So let’s have a contest.
Please leave a comment and leave a suggested name. For example, “Immaculate Institute” or “Dumb Ox Institute” or “Thomas Aquinas Academy” or “Saint Peter Institute.”
You can leave as many suggestions as you like. If we end up choosing your name, you’ll get a full year of courses free. A full tuition scholarship.
[reminder]So please share your name ideas![/reminder]
PS: If you want to become a subscriber (it’s free) and get early bird chances for course enrollment click here.
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