I’m Heading to the Clear Creek Monastery in Oklahoma!

Most nerds go to comic book conventions or role playing events in which they dress up as characters from Star Trek. Catholic nerds do something similar – but they go entirely medieval. Let me explain:

It’s Spring Break and I’m doing something that is simultaneously nerdy and fantastic: Biduum Latinum Oklahomense 2013. It’s going to be great. We will be living, eating, and learning on the grounds of Clear Creek Abbey, a Benedictine foundation of the Congregation of Solesmes. The monks dedicate themselves to prayer through the cultivation of Latin and Gregorian Chant and to work at their farm, vineyard, dairy, smithy, and carpentry shop.

What is it? It’s a workshop for those who know Latin, but want to develop an active command of Latin as a spoken language. That’s right, we’ll be at a wonderful Benedictine Abbey were the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Divine Office are exclusively in Latin, and in the meantime, we’ll be learning the basics of how we can re-cultivate Latin as a spoken language.

Please say an Ave Maria for us, and if you’re interested in this kind of thing, please sign up for next year’s event. Alright, I’ve got to get in the mini-van and roll out of Dallas. Have a great Spring Break! 

PS: I have more blog posts scheduled, so content will continue to be fresh here on the blog. No worries there.

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