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10 Questions Your 7-Year-Old Catholic Should be Able to Answer
Ten Questions your seven-year-old should be able to answer (besides ‘Why did God make you?’):
- What are the two kinds of sin (original and actual)
- What are the two kinds of actual sin (mortal and venial)? What’s the difference?
- Name the three Persons of the Holy Trinity
- Is there one God or three Gods?
- Name the 7 Sacraments
- Name the 10 Commandments
- Name the 6 Precepts of the Catholic Church
- What happens if you die with original sin or mortal sin?
- What happens at the consecration during Holy Mass
- Please recite the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostles Creed, and Act of Contrition.
[reminder]Any others that I missed?[/reminder]
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