Abortion and the Bible

Life begins at conception
Job 31:15 God made you in the womb…formed us in our mothers
Ps 22:9-10 “from my mother’s womb you have been my God”
Ps 139:13-16 “you knit me together in my mother’s womb…your eyes saw my unformed body”
Is 44:2; Is 49:5 the Lord formed you in the womb
Is 46:3-4 “I have upheld you since you were conceived”
Jer 1:4-5 “before you were born I set you apart”
Lk 1:41 “the baby lept in her womb”

We should be involved in pro-life causes
Ex 20:13 Thou shalt not murder
Ps 82:3-4 defend the weak and fatherless
Prov 24:11-12 rescue those being led away to death

Pharmaceutical abortion condemned
Gal 5:2; Rev 9:2; Rev 21:8
These three passages condemn “sorcery”. However, the Greek word used is pharmakeia, a word denoting harmful pharmaceutical contraceptives and abortificants.

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